Membership Fees 2025
At the AGM on Friday 28th February 2025 the annual membership fee remained at £40.00
Please note the Fees become due on 1st March 2025 and must be paid by 31st March 2025.
The Treasurer would invite you to pay your annual fees as soon as possible be either:
Leaving cash or a cheque (payable to Kinghorn Thistle Golf Club) in an envelope marked for the attention of Mr. J. A. Henderson, Treasurer KThGC c/o Kinghorn Golf Clubhouse, Burntisland Road, Kinghorn. KY3 9RS
By Bank Transfer (Using your name as the bank pay-in reference)
Bank of Scotland A/c Name- Kinghorn Thistle Golf Club
Sort Code- 80 16 84: A/c No- 00718720
Finally, please TEXT Mr JA Henderson on 07867808674 to confirm your payment has been made and by which method. You must contact him prior to the commencement of the season.
K Mitchell Snr.